SAI recently caught up with SAI Ambassador Ellie, who reflected on her memories in Barcelona.
What surprised you most about your study abroad city/culture?

Barcelona Futbol Game!
My first week in Barcelona I went to a Barcelona futbol game. I had no idea how passionate and crazy these games were. I was shocked. I have been to NFL games before, Seattle Seahawks, and those games are crazy loud. I didn’t imagine a game like this would even compare. But it did! The team is a huge part of the city and the culture. Everyone is a fan and they all show it very clearly. The fans will start chanting cheers out of nowhere and it was wild because they ALL new the words, exactly when to start the chant, how long it lasted, everything. It was like it was rehearsed. This was such an amazing event to go to in the beginning just to open my eyes to an important part of this amazing city. I highly recommend going to a game or two even if you aren’t a soccer fan, it is an experience like no other!

Travel bug in full force
How has studying abroad impacted your life goals?
Studying abroad has added onto my life goals. I have always looked forward to having a family, being successful, a good friend and all those things. But now a new goal and something I have set my eyes on is traveling. I loved seeing new places, meeting new people, and being thrown in with new cultures. The travel bug is in full force and I can’t wait for my next adventure!

Hiking backpacks take on Europe
What travel tips would you give someone studying abroad?
I feel like I learned so much while I was there – things I would do differently, and things I would do the same. But I think a majority of it you just have to figure out while you’re there. However, a couple tips I would give is to jump in with roommates and people in SAI right away. I came alone and wanted to travel. Luckily my roommates did as well so the first week there we booked three trips together. Don’t be shy, it’s a time you will never get back! Pack lightly. On weekend trips, I packed in a hiking backpack, and it was a life saver when having to walk especially because Europe’s roads aren’t all the smoothest. Try new foods, go to places you never would think to go to, open yourself to ideas, people, and experiences you wouldn’t usually do. It will make your trips way more eventful and you may learn a thing or two about yourself by putting yourself out there!

SAI friends
Ellie was a spring 2018 SAI Barcelona student from Washington State University.
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