CETT Tourism, Hospitality & Gastronomy

Hospitality study in a welcoming city.

CETT is an international campus affiliated with the Universitat de Barcelona which is dedicated to education and research. Over the past 40 years, CETT Barcelona has become the international gold-standard for academic excellence in the fields of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy. Committed to the sustainable development of the tourism sector, CETT Barcelona is focused on both industry-wide innovation, as well as the personal and professional growth of each individual student.

U.S. School of Record
St. Martin’s University (WA)

Language of Instruction

Up to 50 study abroad students from around the world.


  • Teaching staff are professionals who bring their experience to the classroom.
  • Close links with leading businesses in the local tourism sector.
  • Students develop in-demand skill sets for the globalized market.

The unique educational model developed by CETT Barcelona applies best practices, as recognized by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and covers education at all levels, including: undergraduate programs, professional training, graduate and postgraduate programs, continuing education, and customized programs. Currently, SAI’s offerings at CETT are open to undergraduate students only.

Areas of Study

Business & Economics
Hospitality, Tourism & Gastronomy
Modern Languages & Cultures

Student Life at CETT

The CETT classroom is an international meeting point for students from around the world, which fosters a lively and cosmopolitan environment. CETT students also enjoy access to top-tier facilities, including fully-wired classrooms, demonstration kitchens, and two student-run dining establishments (a café and a sit-down restaurant). The collegial environment at CETT helps aspiring professionals in the hospitality fields excel academically while learning the myriad “tricks-of-the-trade.”