SAI semester students in UPF’s elective programs enroll in upper division courses in one of two concentrations: Barcelona Program for Interdisciplinary Studies (BaPIS) or International Business (ESCI). Students enroll in 4 or 5 courses for a total of 12 to 15 US credits. Courses are available in both English and Spanish. While there is no requirement to enroll in a Spanish language course, UPF offers all levels of Spanish language, which can be combined with subject courses.
Application open until: October 1, 2024
Application Requirements
Complete online application
Personal statement (300-500 words)
Official transcript
Passport scan (photo page)
Digital photo (JPEG; passport style)
EU privacy consent form
Program Dates
January 3, 2025 – March 21, 2025
Age: 18+
Academic Year: Junior (3rd year) or above.
Cumulative GPA:* 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
* contact SAI if you don’t meet requirements
Throughout history, creativity has always been considered a mysterious and elusive phenomenon. The ancient Greeks believed that creativity arose from the divine inspiration and guidance of the muses. The Romans believed that each individual was born with a guardian entity, or genius, who would assist them in their lives and creative work. Come the Enlightenment, the popular explanation for creativity in the Western world shifted from divine sources to madness and chemically altered states. While much has changed in society, nowadays we still often see creativity as a mysterious and elusive special talent thats only present in certain individuals. However, the historical connection between creativity and craft as well as growing research in the psychological and physiological characteristics of creativity tell us differently. In this course, well seek to better understand creativity in order to awaken your own creative potential. Well start by briefly exploring humankinds relationship to creativity throughout history, the myths and realities surrounding the creative process and creative individuals, and provide a basic understanding of what creativity is and how it works from a psychological and neuroscientific perspective. Throughout the entire course, we will draw upon a variety of interdisciplinary activities designed to allow you to readily access your creativity and help you to develop your own creative process.
The course is devoted to delivering the knowledge on the pertinent issues of sustainable development through the prism of the use of circular economy principles. Understanding the concept of a circular economy demands the understanding as to how a circular economy deviates from the current linear system, being able to analyze and develop complex circular systems using a systems-thinking approach, assessing the use of Life Cycle Assessment and Agent Based Modelling. The course also teaches how to formulate improvements for a transition towards a circular design and the students learn how to use and apply complexity aspects and agent-based modelling. The concept of circular economy will be applied through policy considerations, legal aspects, economic and practical implications.
Says author Yuval Harari, that the capacity to organize ourselves collectively through a fiction or an intangible or abstract concept agreement (such as money) is the singled-out most distinctive characteristic of humans beings vs other species. In the managerial sphere of brands, corporations and organizations of all sorts, the question today, is: Should money still be considered the most valuable asset? Will it disappear? What will it be replaced with? What is value and which are the values ruling our current-future society? Shifting paradigms are proposing new ideas and tools to face the now inevitable purpose of maintaining our own sustainability: both as organizations and as humans. In so, how do rising collective responses differ from the individualistic approaches of the last Century? In the challenge but also the opportunity of our times, what kind of world do we want to live in and how are we going to get there? Arguing the principle that brands operate in societies, not just markets, students of this course will be encouraged to have critical views and to openly participate in the ethics discussions behind examples show-casing how collective entities of all sorts are currently coping/adapting to new context reality and how the innovation challenges of a Post non-entirely human era, as well as those derived from our consciousness over the natural limits of our planetary resources, are transforming our way of life, our values scale of expectations and thus our companies and enterprises managerial practices.The course in all will underpin examples of COLLECTIVENESS in the context of a ultra-highly CONNECTED society that can no longer solve the global challenges of the future, following individual strengths or singled-out efforts; following examples the innovation and knowledge transfer capabilities and responsibilities of in specific sectors/issues such as food and nutrition, architecture and living design, health and genomic sciences, fashion and responsible consumerism and production or travel and tourism and urban and global mobility, among others. The Collectivity Revolution is an account of the new paradigms of management and commerce across businesses and its communities, as a whole. The title of the course responds to a play-on-words between the terms Collective and Connection and the Revolutionary outcomes of its merging forces.
The birth of cinema transformed the way we understand artistic creation. Film is a mechanically reproduced artwork without the aura of uniqueness that characterizes classical pieces (Benjamin, 1935). It emerges as a mechanical extension of the human body, an artificial eye. Film production is also automated: it is a paradigm of creative industry (Howkins, 2001). In many ways, cinema appears at the intersection of the joint creative effort of human talent, industry, science & technology. This course will study various aspects of creativity and authorship in examples from Spanish cinematography. Early theoretical and practical approaches to filmic creation, the development of new artistic professions and creative labor organization in the film industry will be studied through Spanish silent cinema and the growth of CIFESA studios (1932-1961).There will be an introduction to the debates over the status of films leading creators, looking at producers, directors, and writers from this period. The political dimension will be presented through the creative ways in which filmmakers eluded Francos censorship. Since the 1960s and the rise of modern cinema, the highly influential French auteur theory favors the director as a films main creator. The course will introduce Spanish auteurs from the modern period (Camus, Picazo) and present critiques of the directors importance, implicit in works of postmodern filmmakers (Almodovar, Medem). The challenges faced by contemporary auteurs (Lacuesta, Sorogoyen) at the side of recent ideas sharply opposed to the auteur theory that consider films as a result of collective creation (Sellors, 2007) or the audience as a creative force (Mayne, 2002). The work of Spanish experimental filmmaking platforms like Authorless Cinema Collective, as well as the creative design of contemporary Spanish cinematographys cultural policies and initiatives that foster female creativity will be considered. This course will also have a creative component: students will make short films as group projects.
Este curso esta indicado para todos aquellos alumnos que quieran conocer un poco la lengua y la cultura de la ciudad en la que vienen a hacer sus estudios desde un enfoque contrastivo con el espanol y otras lenguas romanicas. Este conocimiento les permitira sin duda situar mejor la lengua y cultura catalana en relacion a la espanola y la europea en general.
Se ofrecern informaciones y anlisis sobre el proceso histrico de toma de conciencia ecologista (el surgimiento de las organizaciones conservacionistas y ecologistas, la publicacin de informes internacionales sobre los lmites del crecimiento y de libros sobre ecologa y ecologismo), las conferencias internacionales sobre el medio ambiente, la creacin y el desarrollo de los partidos verdes, las ideas y las propuestas del ecosocialismo y del ecofeminismo, las contradicciones y las propuestas de integracin entre el sindicalismo de clase y el ecologismo, las causas y las consecuencias de la crisis ecolgica global, de la emergencia climtica y de la sexta extincin de las especies, las respuestas institucionales al cambio climtico (conferencias de Naciones Unidas, informes del Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, gobiernos y parlamentos de Estados Unidos, China, Unin Europea y Espaa), las respuestas empresariales al cambio climtico, el movimiento ecologista actual en el mundo, en Europa y en Espaa, y las propuestas de decrecimiento, transicin energtica, Green New Deal y tica del consumo. Tambin se aportarn argumentos para responder a las siguientes preguntas: Es posible un capitalismo verde? Es necesario y viable un socialismo ecolgico?
The course is designed in 3 areas: Open mind, open heart, open will in order to allow the student to explore its personal journey towards sustainability.. Open mind (Explore) consists on rising awareness about the unprecedented challenges we facing today. At that point of the course, students have created a sense of common language and a common vision about global and systemic challenges.. Open heart (Experience) is a real appreciative inquiry about its leadership style. At that point of the course, we create a sense of community learning.. Open will (Expedition) is when we introduce and put in action the leadership style as well as the system thinking. At that point of the course, we clarify the purpose of the Leadership journey and everyone revisit his/her career sweet spot.
This course provides a dynamic, multi-disciplinary introduction to Contemporary Art in Spain. A background on this specified field is not required. For this reason not only the main artistic events will be covered, but also some political, historical and cultural issues that might be relevant. Although this course is manly based on lectures and class debate, four visits to art centers and exhibitions will be also part of the course requirements. These visits will be made during class time and are equivalent to a usual in-class lecture. We will discuss recent classics as well as emerging artists, and we will cover a wide range of artistic practices, from photography to afterpop music, including installation art, performance art and comic art. Although the course offers several relevant clues to understand the historical context and particular conditions in Spain, it is also intended as a more general insight into contemporary artistic strategies and topics.
This course offers an introduction to critical questions related to gender, sexuality, the body, and diversity in an increasingly globalized world. The course will provide students with theoretical and methodological tools derived from Gender and Feminist Studies so that they become able to analyze a variety of topics from a critical and engendered point of view. The topics examined will be diverse, and will include, among others, primate behavior interpretation, the origins of gender inequality, patriarchal violence, beauty canons, assisted reproduction, prostitution, transsexuality, intersexuality, contemporary sexualities, or new family models. With the objective that students develop a critical point of view in their own creative way, during the course the teaching staff will present the similarities and differences that exist between the main feminist movements in force today, as well as the perspectives from which these movements address the aforementioned themes. Two fundamental aspects will be transversal to the discussion of all the previous topics :1) the un-critical projection of the logics of the present into the past in order to justify/naturalize both current stereotypes and current issues related to gender, sexuality, the body, and diversity; and, 2) the incorporation of the analysis of historical trajectories and perspectives to understand how gender has shaped present societies and cultures throughout the world. This is neither a history nor an archeology course, but rather a transdisciplinary subject that aims to combine different areas of study to better understand the current stances of different collectives in relation to the aforementioned topics.
This course will navigate the complex and mutating field of gay, lesbian, bisex, trans, intersex and queer studies, exploring its history and developement since its inception. The course explores non-hegemonic identities and gender and sexual diversity from many different perspectives: their criminalization, pathologization or their fights for equality and rights. Social, legal, historical, and cultural implications of sexuality, articulating academic and activist perspectives will provide a framework and a context.Furthermore, to highlight the importance of understanding these topics as non-homogeneous and in an intersectional way students’s contributions will be asked for in order to build up an intercultural dialogue based on their own perspectives and geographies. The course aims to establish a dialogue between different positions within society and cultural production (such as cinema, literature, poetry, theatre, etc.) so as to reflect on the implications of visibility for the community and for the different representations of such dissident sexualities and identities.The assumption of stability of biological sex and the meaning and goals of gender expression will be subject to inquiry. Theoretical lectures, seminars and debates, critical workshops and field trips will be used to address in a critical manner the importance of (re)thinking our sexualities in a political and non-monolithic way.
The course will offer a systematic historical look at globalization, generally arguing that relevant changes of globalization should be seen as emerging in phases, that could turn out to be 1500’s, 1800’s and the late 20th Century. The course tries to move our vision of globalization away from an exclusive focus on essentially contemporary developments and move our vision away from the Western civilization tradition to focus on other major civilizations. The growing need for historical perspective on international relationships, global economic patterns of contacts and cultural exchanges has fueled the increasing interest, from international organizations, global companies and institutions with global targets, to find and hire professionals who could develop some of the competences that this course provides.
Once labeled by Newsweek magazine as the “coolest city in Europe” Barcelona enjoys the reputation of a cosmopolitan city with a great international projection. Like all places, however, it is not without its complexities and contradictions. Behind a glossy and tourist-friendly facade, the city has a complex history.This course introduces the student to the city of Barcelona by studying its past and analyzing its present. This interdisciplinary course covers subject in history, geography, art, architecture, and urban planning. Materials include images, maps, academic and literary texts, videos, field studies, and documentaries. We will also discuss issues relevant to people living within the city of Barcelona today.
The course focuses on the creation and evolution of modern constitutional polities in Iberia and Europe, including states (e.g. Spain), unions of states (e.g. the European Union) and sub-state units (e.g. Catalonia). More than an empirical explanation of different cases, the main aim is to analyse basic concepts and ideas that helped to develop current liberal democracies. The complexity and fragility of the equilibrium between these concepts and ideas may offer some clues on how to deal with the multiple criticisms and threats that European liberal-democracy is facing. Each session will predominantly address and discuss a specific concept or idea (or close group of them) including sovereignty, territorial autonomy, federalism, democracy, parliamentarism, constitutionalism, constituent power, separation of powers, rule of law, fundamental rights, European integration, secession and withdrawal. Obviously, these concepts and ideas have strong links among each other and so will the lectures of this course.Since all these legal and political issues are important, broad, multifaceted, stimulating and controversial, students with distinct backgrounds and different academic interests may enjoy this course, which is not intended to take place behind university doors exclusively but also to include historical walks and institutional visits. As the course explores the origins and evolution of these crucial constitutional notions, the teaching team is composed by a legal historian (Dr Josep Capdeferro), a constitutional law scholar (Dr Hctor Lpez) and a public lawyer and political theorist (Dr Pau Bossacoma). This is a consolidated team whose members often collaborate with one another.
This course will focus on the Space Race from the Sputnik (1957) to the Apollo-Soyuz programme (1975), from the destalinization to the dtente. Throughout the study of the public sphere, the pop-culture and of the mass media, students will learn the complex dimension of the Space Race and of its centrality in the Cold War dynamics. We will study how the mass media shaped the public imagination in the USA, in Western Europe and in USSR during the Space Race. The course will analyze how the mythologies of the frontier both in the USA and in Soviet Union were extended to the interplanetary space. We will study how fears and desires were projected in the Space Race. We will see how each side conceived the other both as an enemy and as a collaborator, how the Space Race was marketed in terms of competition and collaboration at the same time, becoming with the Apollo-Soyuz project the symbol of the dtnte. Throughout the reading of magazines, newspapers, as well as the analysis of TV shows, novels and science fiction movies, we will see how the Space Race influenced the daily life in the USA and in USSR, as well as gender, sex and ethnic relations. We will focus on memoirs of astronauts, engineers, politicians and policymakers and of other actors to see how the main characters of the story perceived the history of the Space Race and were perceived in the public sphere. The study of the cultural industry will allow us to unveil certain features of the making of what Dwight Eisenhower defined the industrial-military complex in the two countries.
How does the law affect creativity? Is the law actually hindering creativity or is instead encouraging it? Are such impacts just quantitative or also qualitative? Are legal systems neutral to different forms of creativity or do they discriminate among forms? Answering these questions requires examining various branches of the law. The course focuses mostly in intellectual property law as the main legal tool for fostering creativity and innovation. Other areas of law such as freedom of expression, contract law, zoning law, and tax law will be also presented. Students will be provided with a theoretical overview of those areas to understand their rules and doctrines and how they affect creativity. The course will also offer the discussion of several case studies, including, among others, tattoos, memes, graffiti art, music sampling or content creativity in social media and other online platforms.
Students will learn the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and understand the implication of these techniques in the arts, as well as AI techniques that can be used to make sense of human gesture, musical audio, and other real-time data. The focus will be on learning about algorithms, software tools, and best practices that can be immediately employed in creating new real-time interactive systems in the arts.
This course centers on the interaction between Neurosciences, Engineering and the Humanities, by posing crucial questions on intelligence, perception and aesthetics. How brains and machines build up knowledge? What is intelligence and what do we talk about when we talk about artificial intelligence? We will analyze how sensory systems build up a representation of the world, with particular attention to vision and audition. In parallel, we will explore the minimal requirements of a brain, building on our age-old attempts to build artificial intelligent systems. We will review the history of artificial intelligence and brain science, focusing on the connections that the two fields have had, on and off, over the years. This leads to a more general discussion on the foundations and limits of knowledge and the evolutionary roots of belief. Can we gather reliable knowledge? Are we prone to believe? What is the relationship between genes and environment? Beyond that, how does biology conditions our experience of Art? And further, can computers mimic creativity in Art? The course attempts to frame the above questions into the current scientific knowledge of the brain and the engineering of complex systems.
The increasing popularity of sport has genuinely transformed sport governance. No doubt this situation has had a positive impact in the ethics and integrity of spot governance. But the COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly change the world of sport. The economic importance of sport and its cross-border nature puts sport institutions in a situation in which they must face an uncertain future. This course is aimed at analyzing five key challenges for the future of sport global governance, namely: I) COVID economic impact and tis implications in the legal autonomy of sport, ii) the concept of equality in sport regarding neutral gender, intersex and cyborg athletes, iii) the democratization of sport bodies and strengthening athletes voice inside job, iv) the impact of AI and other new technologies and, v) the sustainability of mega sport events. All of these challenges are interconnected. Sport Government Bodies (SGB) as ICO, FIFA, IAAF, and so on, enjoy a large economic and legal autonomy to manage their business, which is in many cases against the rights of athletes. But have SGB political and legal legitimacy to rule and ask for compliance? It seems that a new legal system of sport laws is emerging from these SGB and the Court of Arbitration of Sport. Is this jurisprudence limiting the rights of the athletes? Is it compulsory for national and supranational legal systems? On the other hand, the increasing market expanding of Sport make it a great field for experimentation with new technologies, drugs and specially to apply Artificial Intelligence to increase the performance of the athletes. This situation has several ethical implications that need to be carefully analyzed. Finally the sustainability of sport mega events is a crucial point at this time of climatic emergency that challenges the continuity of sport mega-events in the future.
This course is designed to give both political science and non-political science majors an overview of fundamental issues in the study of Spanish Politics. The core of the course is the study of the nature and functioning of the Spanish democratic system installed since the middle of the seventies, paying special attention to the main political processes, institutions, actors, political culture and electoral behavior. At the beginning of the course, we will also spend some time studying the previous Spanish democratic experience (1931-1936), its collapse (1936-1939), the authoritarian rule imposed by Franco and the Spanish transition to democracy (1975-1978) which has strongly influenced the current features of the Spanish political system.
This course addresses the political and cultural dimensions of artificial intelligence and network technologies in a range of global contexts. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the fields of media and communication studies, critical theory, and the philosophy of technology, course materials will examine the technical and conceptual elements of machine learning, digital automation, and online communication in order to develop an understanding of their social impacts and historical consequences.Among the topics to be considered are the structure of neural networks and online protocols, the rise of cybernetics as a political logic and technical form, the history of digital logistics and automation, as well as the ethical issues surrounding the widespread installation of these technologies across different sectors of society. Each topic will focus on a different technology, as well as its relation to social inequality, freedom, and diversity.Students will discuss, evaluate, and critique academic texts, case studies, and artistic works in order to develop complex and critical accounts of contemporary technology, attending both to the planetary character of networked computation as well as its diverse and uneven deployment in various socioeconomic contexts. In addition to mapping histories of cybernetics, internet culture, big data, surveillance, and the algorithm, the course will also consider theories of digitized power and control that have taken shape in relation to economic processes, protest movements, national security, and social life generally.
Concepts and tools of intercultural communication and cross cultural management that make sense of a globalizing word: Multiculturalism and inter-culturalism, diversity and super-diversity in the business environment. Culture convergence and cross-cultural connections.
Development of a strategic approach to the analysis of competitive factors in digital environments. Technological disruption and the creation of digitalbusiness models. The Gartner Hype Cycle, the life cycle of technological industries, the concept of competitive paradigm, and the analysis of multi-layer platform models.
Understanding American society, geopolitics and culture. Specific aspects of economic and business organisation.
Financial risks: currency risk exposure, interest rate risk, price volatility risk, among others. Hedging financial risk with varios risk management concepts, tools and techniques held by the derivative products: Futures, Forwards, Options and Swaps.Discussion on the design and implementation of risk management practices. Realize and understand various state-of-the art risk management theories and practices (such as loss control, loss financing, and internal risk reduction mechanisms) as well as their advancement in the future.
This course aims to provide students with a good understanding of the international financial markets and their impact on financial decisions and management at international firms. The course covers a range of topics related to the international monetary system, the foreign exchange and derivatives markets, the financing of international firms, foreign investment operations, and foreign exchange risk management.
This course takes a holistic approach to product management and sets out how to make a product consumers preferred choice across markets. It comprises four modules: Product Innovation and Innovation Ecosystems, New Product Development, Product Branding and Positioning, and Product Life Cycle Management
Neuro-marketing. Social Responsibility in Marketing. Last trends in giving services through innovation.To be able to develop the marketing-mix strategy, define the brand extension as well as the communication strategies and distribution alternatives, striving to look towards the future and provide insights for a successful relationship with customers and clients.
The strategic role of branding. Designing an effective brand strategy. Developing a brand value proposition that engages customers. Brand architecture and dynamics (brand porfolios, brand repositioning brand extensions and cobranding). Building lifestyle and premium brands. Brand ethics and social responsibility.Building enduring brands in competitive markets and creation of market value. Developing managerial perspective regarding strategic brand management in a global framework
Global Leadership Certificate
Students can supplement a regular semester of studies with the SAI Global Leadership Certificate (GLC), designed to enrich students’ experiences and to acknowledge their academic and service work by providing an additional credential beyond a university transcript. Students enrolled in the Global Leadership Certificate program broaden their awareness of global issues and deepen their knowledge of the host community’s role in an increasingly interconnected world through exploration of research, engagement in community service and interaction with experts and leaders. Students interested in applying for the GLC should select the program at application. Your Admissions Counselor will help guide you through the process of selecting GLC-approved courses at the time of registration.
International Service Certificate
The SAI International Service Certificate is awarded to SAI semester students who are motivated to engage with and give back to their host community. Supported by SAI on-site staff, students who earn the certificate gain valuable skills collaborating with local community groups, and obtain a unique perspective of their host city. Volunteers are able to explore a field of their interest, and build skills that can transfer into their future careers. For more information see SAI International Service Certificate.
Semester students at UPF select from the following concentrations:
Courses & Schedule
UPF Semester courses are generally offered Monday through Thursday. SAI students are free to enroll in any combination of elective courses, but prerequisites must be demonstrated through students’ transcripts. Students wishing to enroll in content courses in Spanish must be heritage speakers or have at least completed three semesters of college level Spanish.
Course Registration
As soon as the UPF semester schedule is confirmed, students are asked to complete a Course Approval form, which is used to specify first-choice and alternate-choice courses. SAI’s Barcelona Admissions Counselor will help guide students through this process. Students choose classes based on a preliminary schedule that is subject to change. The final course days and times are published just ahead of the program start date.
Placement Tests
Students who register for Spanish Language courses and for courses taught in Spanish must complete a placement test upon arrival in Barcelona.
Pre-Departure Calendar | |
October 1 2024 |
Application Closes Applications accepted after closing as space permits. |
Within 1 week of acceptance |
SAI Deposits Due $500 Enrollment Deposit (applied toward program fee) $300 Security Deposit (refundable) |
October 1 2024 |
50% of Total Program Fee Due Students who are accepted and submit SAI deposits after this date will have an amended pay schedule. 50% of the Program Fee will be due within 5 business days, based on the deposit payment date. |
October 1 2024 |
Financial Aid Agreement & Financial Aid Program Deposit Deadline Students wishing to utilize SAI financial aid payment deferment must complete the Financial Aid Agreement form and submit the Financial Aid Program Deposit by this date. Students whose deposit payment date is on or after this date will have a deadline of 5 days after the deposit. |
October 15 2024 |
SAI Scholarship Application Deadline Students wishing to apply for a SAI scholarship must have all application items submitted by 11:59pm Pacific Time on this date. |
October 15 2024 |
Enrollment Closes Students must complete their enrollment, including paying deposits, by this date. |
November 15 2024 |
SAI Financial Aid Verification Deadline Students wishing to defer payment until financial aid disbursement must submit the financial aid verification forms to SAI by this date. |
December 1 2024 |
Balance of Total Program Fee Due (For students utilizing SAI financial aid payment deferment, any balance not covered by aid is due) |
On-Site Calendar | |
January 3 2025 |
Arrival & Housing Check-in Students arrive at El Prat Barcelona (BCN) airport. SAI airport pickup is provided between 10:00am and 3:00pm, and students are transferred to SAI housing. |
January 4 2025 |
SAI Orientation Mandatory SAI orientation is held at the SAI Barcelona office and introduces students to their city while covering safety, policies, housing, and culture. |
Coming soon |
Academic Orientation & Spanish Placement Test UPF orientation provides details on academic policies, and allows students to meet one another and their professors. Students enrolled in Spanish language courses also complete the placement test. |
January 8 2025 |
Classes Begin |
March 14 2025 |
ESCI Program Final Exams End |
March 20 2025 |
BaPIS Program Final Exams End |
March 21 2025 |
Program End & Housing Check-out Students must move out of SAI housing by 10:00am to return home or pursue independent travel. |
SAI Program Fees* | USD |
Application Fee | $120 |
Security Deposit Refundable at the end of the term. |
$300 |
Program Fee: 12 credits Includes tuition, standard housing and SAI 360° Services (see What’s Included). |
$14,200 |
Program Fee: 15 credits Includes tuition, standard housing and SAI 360° Services (see What’s Included). |
$14,900 |
Optional / Additional Fees: | |
Optional Private Room Housing Supplement Private room in a shared apartment, with a shared bathroom. |
$1,900 |
Optional Homestay Housing Supplement Family homestay in a private occupancy bedroom, breakfast and dinner included. |
$100 |
Optional Student Residence Housing Supplement Private bedroom and bathroom in a student residence. |
$100 |
Optional Visa Processing Fee (if applicable) Available for some jurisdictions. |
$275 |
International Mailing Supplement When applicable, students are charged an international mailing supplement to ensure visa paperwork arrives in a timely manner. |
$90 |
*prices are subject to change
Please see SAI Policies for SAI cancellation & withdrawal deadlines.
Note: certain SAI-affiliated US universities require specific payment arrangements. These may require that some fees are paid by the student directly to SAI, and other fees are paid to SAI by the affiliated university on behalf of the student. If you attend a SAI-affiliated university please contact your study abroad office or speak with your SAI Admissions Counselor for details.
Budget | Low Est. | High Est. |
Airfare to/from Barcelona |
$950 | $1,500 |
Books, Supplies & Course Fees | $100 / course | $200 / course |
Meals Includes groceries and eating out. |
$700 / month | $1,000 / month |
Personal Expenses | $300 / month | $350 / month |
Transportation within Barcelona Public transportation with some taxi rides. |
$100 / month | $150 / month |
Weekend Travel Cost varies greatly by student. |
$300 / month | $1,000 / month |
This is a SAI 360° Services Program; it includes our full services!
Pre-departure and Re-entry services
SAI offers all students the Viva Experience: frequent cultural activities, at no extra cost, for participants to get to know their community, city and country. Following is a sample of the activities included in this program. Please note that actual activities may differ.
Welcome Lunch
Students are welcomed to their new city over a traditional 3 course Spanish lunch to mingle and get to know each other.
Barcelona Bike Tour
This tour is a fun and exciting way to discover Barcelona’s old port, renowned beaches, and picturesque Ciutadella Park. Along the way, students see the sights that make Barcelona so famous and hear the stories behind them.
Modernism Tour
During this tour, students get to know the iconic and symbolic Modernist architecture of Gaudi by discovering the Sagrada Familia and the Casa Battló, among other famous buildings.
Cultural Workshop: Navigating Spanish Culture
Students learn about local habits, traditions, food and language tips to get to know their new home!
Medieval Heritage: Girona and Besalu Day Trip
This exciting day trip takes students to Girona and Besalú, both cities that have been featured in Game of Thrones. Girona has more than 2000 years of history, with its two fortified enclosures: the first built in the 1st century BCE, and the medieval extension of the city walls from the 14th and 15th centuries. Besalú is a small town with a Romanesque bridge and remarkable medieval buildings situated close to Girona. Once an important local capital during the Middle Ages, it is nowadays a hidden treasure.
Visit the Bunkers of Carmel
A visit to one of the most astonishing viewpoints in Barcelona. These anti-aircraft batteries from the Spanish Civil War have become a popular spot amongst locals and visitors.
Montserrat & Organic Wine Cellar Day Trip
Students take a day trip to Montserrat, a spectacularly beautiful Benedictine mountain retreat. Its unusual rock formations and its natural beauty have made it a Catalonian icon. Students take the cable train up the mountain to visit the monastery and wander the mountain paths, with amazing views of the Catalonian countryside. In the afternoon, students have the chance to enjoy the countryside of one of the most well-known Catalan wine regions with a wine tasting and a typical “Esmorzar de pagès”.
Poblenou Visit
This ex-industrial district has transformed into a hub for creativity and technology in recent years. Students visit this fascinating neighborhood that has a personality outlined by charming smokestacks that are scattered throughout the area. Discover old factories that have been converted into galleries and studios and communication and technology companies that have based their headquarters in the 22@ district. There will also be a stop at the Encants flea market!
Gracia Tour
Gracia is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods of Barcelona. For a long time, it was an independent town just outside Barcelona, and today it still maintains its independence and free spirit. On the tour students discover the many secrets of Gracia, its history, its hidden corners, and many stories and curiosities about it.
Ceramic Workshop
In this course for beginners SAI students have the option of making one or two pieces of a functional nature (cup, plate, pot, etc.) based on simple techniques that have been adapted to a beginner’s level.
Camp Nou Stadium Museum
Almost nobody would guess that the Camp Nou is the most visited museum of Barcelona, but it is! Get a panoramic view of the iconic soccer stadium, while seeing the area dedicated to Leo Messi, the trophy cabinet, and more!
Dalí Day Trip
SAI students visit the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Salvador Dalí’s hometown of Figueres. The Dalí Theatre-Museum opened in 1974 and it houses the single largest and most diverse collection of works by Salvador Dalí. Following the museum, students visit the small and beautiful village of Cadaques, considered the jewel of the Costa Brava. Students enjoy a nice stroll from Dali’s home in Port Lligat, to Cadaques.
Parc de Collserola Hike
Behind Tibidabo’s iconic outline, there lies a wealth of woodland and fields including a protected park where a wide variety of Mediterranean flora and fauna brings us into contact with nature just 15 minutes away from the bustling city. This is Barcelona’s great green “lung”. Students enjoy a hike in this beautiful protected land.
Sitges Beach Day
Students visit the town of Sitges, which is a paradise of sun, sea and mild temperatures year-round, and a venue for international film and music festivals. Beautiful views and long beaches make Sitges a wonderful day trip.
Spanish Cooking Lesson
Students take a cooking lesson designed to teach typical Spanish (mostly Catalan) dishes that are easy to make again independently. Dishes are prepared according to the season and include appetizer, main course and dessert.
Olympic Barcelona
The incredible transformation of Barcelona took place in the lead-up to the 1992 Olympic Games. Students visit the two most important sites for the Barcelona Games starting with Montjüic Hill, where the Olympic Stadium is located. Later, students visit the Olympic Museum, which puts Barcelona’s Olympic history into context.
Farewell Dinner
Students celebrate the end of a successful time abroad and say their goodbyes over a delicious Spanish meal.
Standard Housing: Student apartment
SAI student apartments are convenient and well equipped, with shared occupancy bedrooms (option to upgrade to private bedroom, if available). Typical residences house 2 – 8 students and contain a combination of private and shared bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and living areas. Furnishings, a washing machine, basic kitchen supplies, bed linens and towels are provided. All apartments are equipped with wireless Internet. Housing configurations are designated as female, male, and in some locations, gender-inclusive. SAI on-site staff is available to respond to any maintenance needs that may arise.
Optional Housing: Family homestay (additional fee applies)
SAI homestay families are thoroughly screened and are accustomed to welcoming visiting students into their homes. Homestays provide a private occupancy bedroom in the family home with basic furnishings. Daily breakfast and dinner are included, as is weekly laundry. Mostly Spanish is spoken in the home, granting students an excellent opportunity to practice their language skills. Please note that some homestays may be outside of the city center.
Optional Housing: Student residence (additional fee applies)
The student residence is conveniently located in the Eixample neighborhood, just a 15 minute walk from UPF’s campuses. The residence houses students in private bedrooms with a private bathroom and a shared kitchenette. Shared common spaces include a study room, game room, reading lounge, gym, swimming pool and coin operated washing machines. Bedrooms are furnished and include linens, towels, WIFI, AC and heating. There is a 24 hour front desk and visitors (1) are allowed between 8am and 10pm. Please note that availability is limited, and students are placed in student residences on a first come first served basis.
Passports should be valid for at least 4 months after planned return from Spain.
Student Visas
In accordance with Spanish law, students studying in Spain for 91 days or more are required to obtain a student visa. Those with Spanish/EU citizenship are exempted. Non-US nationals should consult their local Consulate for details on student visa requirements.
Students must appear in person at the Spanish Consulate to present their visa application. SAI is able to process visa applications (no trip to the Consulate required!) for students who live or attend school in some jurisdictions. Students who wish to use this optional service should contact SAI directly to confirm that they are eligible.
For those who prefer to present their visa application in person, SAI provides student visa consulting at no cost.