SAI Global Leadership Certificate

The SAI Global Leadership Certificate (GLC) is offered as part of semester programs in Florence, Rome, Milan, Barcelona, and Paris.  The GLC combines academic courses, community engagement, mentoring and structured reflection to enhance global awareness and build a framework for leadership development.  It is designed to enrich students’ experiences abroad and to acknowledge their academic and service work by providing an additional credential beyond a university transcript. Students choose to focus in one of three areas: general global affairs, global diversity or global sustainability.

Why add a Global Leadership Certificate to your SAI program?

  • Develop leadership skills that contribute to academic and career success
  • Broaden your awareness of opportunities and issues that pertain to global affairs, global diversity or global sustainability
  • Engage in your local community abroad
  • Interact with local and global leaders
  • Bridge the gap between your classwork and real-world experiences in your host community

Participating SAI Schools:

Certificate Responsibilities

For successful completion of the certificate, students must:

  • Enroll in one (or more) global course (global affairs, diversity, or sustainability), and earn a B or better in the course;
  • Engage in community service during the semester for a minimum of 15 hours;
  • Participate in three seminars, lectures and/or meetings with experts and leaders on topics such as migration, multiculturalism, the role of women, race and gender, diplomacy, social justice, sustainability, and globalization;
  • Maintain a journal of activities, observations and reflections on how their study abroad experiences may inform their understanding of global issues, format the final journal entry as a blog post, and meet with a SAI mentor to discuss related activities;
  • Submit a 500-word leadership paper that incorporates research and analysis of the global issue (selected earlier as the main topic), describes how local and global leaders respond to the issue and recommends further social action.

Upon successful completion, students receive a reference letter that confirms completion of the certificate and related activities, along with a certificate suitable for framing. On request, the certificate can appear on a U.S. transcript (processing fees may apply).

Florence University of the Arts (Florence)
Biomedical Ethics
Comparative International Education and Student Diversity
Human Rights and International Criminal Justice
Innovative Practices and Technology in International Education
International Banking
International Relations
International Management
International Marketing
International Organized Crime
International Terrorism
International Tourism
Culture Shock: Cross-Cultural Psychology
Wines of the World: The New World
World Religions
Worldwide Cuisine Experiential Learning
Cultural Perspectives: Awareness, Exposure, and Engagement
Shoah: The Holocaustin History
SPEL in International Education – Field Learning Assistant
SPEL in International Education – Library Sciences
SPEL in International Education – Resident Assistant
SPEL in International Education – Study Abroad Assistant
#MeToo and Sexual Harassment

John Cabot University (Rome)
Economics of Development
Global Media
Global Warming
Human Rights
Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery
Intercultural Communications
International Affairs
International Business
International Economics
International Management
International Marketing
Italian Visions: Perceptions of Italy in Literature
Long-Term History of Globalization
Media and Genre: Black Cinema and Critical Race Theory
Sociology of Sex and Gender
Race and Gender in Popular Media

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)
The Economics of European Integration
Business, Government, and the Global Economy
The Globalization of Finance: Managing Returns and Risks
Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship: the Italian Perspective
Green Management & Sustainability
International Relations and the Middle East: a Comparative European Perspective
The European Union in the World: a Superpower in the Making
Cultural Differences in Social Psychological Processes
Digital Journalism and Digital Media in Italy

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
Ethics in a Globalization and Sustainability Context
Global Marketing & Culture of FC Barcelona
Globalization, Human Development and Sustainability
Great Ideas that Have Shaped our World: From the Axial Age to the Robot Revolution
Innovation and the Law – How Technology Changes the Legal System
The Collectivity Revolution: Building a Global Community
International Management
New Trends in International Marketing
Cross Cultural Management and Intercultural Communication

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
Leadership, Business and Society
Psychology of Communication and Publicity
Global Marketing

American University of Paris (Paris)
Paris through its Architecture
19th and 20th Century Art and Architecture
Multi-Disciplinary Perspective on Political Economy
Strategic Management: A Global Perspective
Marketing in a Global Environment
Media Globalization
The Internet and Globalization
Media and Gender
Global Advocacy
Introduction to International Economic Relations
International Economic Relations
Films and Their Meanings
History, Law and Society
Women In Paris: History and Art
Encounters between the Middle East and the West
Political Economics of Developing Countries
European Politics
Politics of Human Right
Global Hotspots and Conflict Resolution
Gender-Identity, Sexual Orientation & the Cinema
Modern Sexualities in the Process of Writing


The unique blend of coursework, service, research and mentoring help build a strong academic and professional portfolio. Students are exposed to globally significant trends and issues. Below are some sample topics SAI Global Leadership Certificate students have researched.

  • Antiquities Trafficking in the Mediterranean Area (UNESCO)
  • Rise of the Data Driven Economy: Implications for Growth and Policy
  • From Somalia 1992 to Syria 2012 – Twenty Years of Humanitarian Intervention
  • New Mandate or New Team? An Italian Senator’s Perspective on the U.S. Presidential Election
  • Incentives and Competition: Implications for Financial Markets
  • Current Challenges and Opportunities for Mexico: An Ambassador’s Views
  • Exploring How Legality and Modernity Should Shape New Models of Sustainable Growth
  • Sustainability, Production, and Distribution in Fighting World Hunger
  • The Impact of Food Culture on Health: Comparing Korea, Italy and the U.S.
  • International Corporate Responsibility Oil Economy of Nigeria