GLC Program - Teaching English in Florence
Ella, Spring 2024, Florence
April 22, 2024

Ciao! My name is Ella Darby and I am a Junior from the University of South Carolina studying at FUA this spring 2024 semester. Being a part of the GLC program through SAI has been one of the biggest highlights of the entire semester. Curious to dive deeper into Italian culture, I was placed at a local elementary school on the outskirts of Florence to help teach kids English. Intimidating at first due to my lack of knowledge in the Italian language, this turned out to be one of the most impactful experiences in my time studying abroad. I worked alongside the teachers from two classes at the school, who were so helpful to me. Observing these kids’ remarkable ability to understand English already so well at such a young age was incredible. Their warm welcome made me feel instantly at ease and appreciated in their presence. Seeing these kids in their school environment allowed me to realize how similar we all are despite our cultural differences. Like any other kids, the top attraction within my lesson plans were the games we played including bingo and jeopardy. The kids were so engaged and there were only a few tears shed after losses. I saw the differences, but more importantly I saw the similarities. Life as a local gained a new meaning teaching these kids who, ironically, taught me more than I taught them. I will forever be thankful for this opportunity provided to me through SAI Florence, which has given me memories and experience that I will always cherish.

The school was located in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Florence. I would take the tram every day I volunteered in order to reach the school. This gave me a view of the city from an area with all locals.

Inside the school there were many decorations making it so welcoming and friendly. Many of the students’ artwork was displayed on the walls at the school, giving it a warm and bright feeling.

On my last day teaching the kids they made me a bunch of cards to take with me as a thank you. This was one of the most impactful things while getting to teach. I felt like they really appreciated me being there and this gave me something I could take with me to remember forever.

Written by: Ella, Spring 2024 Florence student from University of South Carolina

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