How Studying Abroad Changed my Perspective
Aley, Spring 2024, Florence
March 25, 2025

I had heard students say studying abroad changed their lives, and so I went into this experience anticipating a semester full of fun memories and rich experiences that will stay with me forever. What I didn’t know is how it would shape the way I see life around me, my relationships with loved ones, and my appreciation for even the mundanest of moments. My semester in Florence so far has given me much more than just an education. In this post I’ll share how this semester has shaped my perspective on my lifestyle, my values, my present, and my future.

Slow Living
The Italians have mastered the art of being present. Something that I feel gets swept away in the staying busy, being the best, hustle culture we have cultivated in America. This art is getting increasingly forgotten in the digital age where we don’t know how to feel boredom anymore. Observing the Italians chatting with people they pass on the street, sitting on a bench feeding the birds, and buying fresh fruit daily from their local markets at which they have learned the names of each vendor and take the time to ask how they’re doing rather than simply exchanging goods and being on their way. It is a way of life where lingering is appreciated, not labeled as loitering and deemed illegal. I have witnessed a way of life that savors the simple pleasures. Where rest, creativity, and connection are valued just as much as achievement. And I have gained a deeper understanding of fulfillment and gratitude through this practice of slow living.

With Age Comes Grace
I have, for a long time, feared growing old. I feared that getting old meant losing what made being young so special. The time to enjoy hobbies, try new things, connect with new people, and spend time in leisure. My time spent in Europe has painted being older in a very different light for me. I read a post once that said when Americans get asked the question “what do you do”, we respond with what we do for a career. In many other cultures their response to that question would be what they do as hobbies or what they enjoy doing for fun. This made me reevaluate the way I view adulthood and a career. Life here is much less centered around work, and more centered around life. When I observe adults or elderly people here it does not seem as though they have lost the time to do what they enjoy, spend time with friends they love, or have time for travel and leisure. Life feels balanced in a way that I didn’t know life could be. And I no longer fear growing old, because I have witnessed that I do not need to hand my life over to a career, that it is, in fact, possible to live in harmony with one.

Individuality and the Art of the Details
Trends seem to have a lighter grasp on people here, and instead, uniqueness appears to make you cooler than having what is “in”. It is of general belief that fashion in Europe is quite different than in the States, and since observing the differences I think it comes down to the individuality that people cultivate here. Italians seem to value shopping locally, from one of the hundred boutiques that line the Firenze streets, as opposed to American culture where it is common to shop from our malls or department stores filled with chain brands. As I walk the streets I find myself admiring the Italians wearing their uniquely patterned silk scarves, bold sunglasses, statement jewelry, and avant-garde outerwear. None of which you could find at Zara. They seem unbothered by the loud noises of what’s in, what’s out, what’s trendy, and what’s outdated. It is inspiring me to walk through life less worried about how I am perceived from the outside, and more worried about portraying what makes me uniquely me.

Love Thy Neighbor
It is a timeless saying “it takes a village”. Back before hyper independence was praised and doing things the harder way was acknowledged as strength, rather than unnecessary self sabotage. There is a new wellness trend in society that involves setting boundaries and protecting our peace. A belief that we don’t owe others anything if it takes something from us. But amidst this modern lifestyle it feels like we have lost the importance of our innate need for human connection. Community was built upon helping and caring for your neighbors, a web of people intertwined, not a group of people living side by side. This is another tradition I think the Italians have not lost. They know their neighbors. They know the names of the sandwich shop owners. They share small talk over a cigarette. They take the time to connect with each other. And naturally with community, comes support. Even if it is a mere moment of emotional relief in your stressful day.

Written by: Alex, Spring 2025 Florence student from Washington State University

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