Interning while Studying Abroad: Vino e Vinci
Cece, Spring 2024, Florence
April 21, 2024

Today was my first day working at Vino e Vinci. I only worked for one hour and spent the rest of the time participating in the activities to better understand the classes and get a feel for how the business operates. I must say, I enjoyed my time a lot. To start, I had the opportunity to meet Hailey, who shared her background of breaking into the art industry and starting her business in a foreign country after graduating from school. I was incredibly impressed and found her experience very encouraging. It highlighted that there are endless opportunities worldwide for everyone; you just have to be willing to make the leap of faith to start in a new area with your ideas and dreams. By staying strong and enduring all the ups and downs, it will be rewarding in the long run. 

Just from spending a little time with Hailey and my peers in the class, I could see the impact she has with a business like hers. Vino e Vinci combines art therapy with educational lessons, providing participants with dual benefits. Art therapy strengthens emotional expression, self-esteem, and self-awareness, which is particularly beneficial for study abroad students facing different emotions and challenges while overseas. It offers them a therapeutic way to manage stress and emotions. Study abroad is an ideal time to engage in art, as it broadens horizons and exposes participants to new creative outlets. 

Aside from the therapeutic benefits, as Hailey guided her students through painting, she also explained Leonardo da Vinci’s life and related it back to our own, reminding us to always recognize our worth. If our value isn’t acknowledged in one place, it’s essential to be strong and move to where we are accepted and valued. 

Overall, this experience was a fantastic first day interning, offering both therapeutic and educational insights that I believe every SAI student should experience.

Written by: Cece, Spring 2024 Florence student from College of Charleston

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