Brayden Aime, Rome
Home school: Gap year student
1. I have played basketball for 5 years. While I’m no Steph Curry, I am pretty great at shooting.
2. Mathematics is the most fun and interesting topic in the world; however, I think this idea is mainly unique to me.
3. I play the violin for myself. Maybe one day I’ll have the confidence to let someone else hear?
4. I have number form synesthesia. I see colors as numbers and feel them as textures.
5. To make use of the time at night since I have insomnia, I draw for hours every week.
6. Both of my parents spent 20 plus years in the military. As a result, I have grown up in 8 places.
7. I have played World of Warcraft since I was seven years old.
8. I have also played American soccer for 12 years, and I will always be an avid fan of the sport.
9. I have not lost a game of chess since I was 12, but with college approaching I fear my streak will end.
10. Planning to study International Relations, my time in Rome will simultaneously be the most valuable and fun two months of my life up to this point.
10. I use organizing things as a form of procrastination.
Home school: Rochester Institute of Technology
1. My name actually is spelled with a “z.”
2. I was a cat person until my dad brought home a pit bull.
3. I’ve been studying my family history since 5th grade.
4. I’ve never flown on an airplane before.
5. I have a huge family, including 41 first cousins.
6. I’ve known how to ripstik since I was 10 or 11, but I still can’t skateboard.
7. I can say the alphabet backwards in less than 5 seconds.
8. I’ve wanted to go to the college I currently attend since sixth grade, even though I forgot all about it until it was time to apply.
9. I’ve had hundreds of pets, because my dad loves to raise animals such as chickens, pigeons, quail, chukars, peacocks, goats, a cow, dogs, cats, chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs, fish…you name it.
10. I use organizing things as a form of procrastination.
Brielle Raddi, Florence
Home school: Muhlenberg College
1. I am from New Jersey.
2. I am a Theatre Major (Acting Concentration) with Minors in Film Studies and Music at Muhlenberg College.
3. I have been in over 55 theatrical productions since I started performing in the fourth grade.
4. Audrey Hepburn and Meryl Streep are my idols.
5. This is the first time I have ever traveled out of the states.
7. “Empathy” is my favorite word.
8. I like to sing, dance, act, color, draw, paint, take photos, write, and be creative.
9. I’d like to live in LA one day.
10. I am 100% Italian.
Gigi Supapo, Rome
Home school: University of San Francisco
1. I have 7 siblings.
2. I have an obsession for makeup.
3. I am a city girl at heart.
4. I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii.
5. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.
6. I am a first-generation college student.<
7. I enjoy binge-watching Gossip Girl on Netflix.
8. My favorite food is Korean food.
9. I am full Filipino.
10. I have a YouTube channel.
10. I use organizing things as a form of procrastination.
Charlee Wilkerson, Sorrento
Home school: University of South Carolina

1. I drive a stick shift red beetle.
2. I am an absolute shopaholic and my dreams came true when I went to New York Fashion Week back in February.
3. I have now been a part of two study abroad experiences while in school (2017 Maymester to England and 2018 Spring Break to Eastern Europe), and my third will be with SAI this summer in Italy.
4. Football is my favorite sport; especially the Panthers and the Gamecocks.
5. I was Valedictorian of my high school class and it is still one of my proudest moments.
6. I’ve now worked two major golf tournaments (the PGA Championship and the Masters) while in college, even though I never knew anything about golf beforehand.
7. I enjoy baking and cooking extremely intricate dishes, as well as going out to eat (it’s probably my favorite activity).
8. I like to always have a job; I’ve worked at my apartment complex, I’ve done research, and now I hostess at a restaurant.
9. I love airports and I especially love turbulence on planes.
10. I’m graduating in December and I’m scared out of my mind to leave USC because I love college and am not ready for the real world.
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