My time here in Milan is coming to an end. It’s all sorts of feelings, excitement to go home but sadness to leave all of my friends, experiences, traveling, and the city behind.

I’ll miss these sunsets from my balcony
Even though it’s so bittersweet, there are an endless amount of memories that I will cherish forever. But here are 15 of the best memories or things of Milano:

Milan fashion week..such a great opportunity being a fashion student getting to experience shows and events around Milan
- Immersing into Italian culture- Italian phrases, the many courses included in a meal, Italian dress (dressing for the season and not the weather)
- Learning to cook meals with food from an Italian grocery store
- Meeting friends within my program and in my classes at NABA
- Experiencing fashion week (Men’s and Women’s) and the events that surround the city during this time
- Shopping around Piazza del Duomo
- Learning to use Milan’s ATM system (the metro, tram, bus)
- Milan nightlife
- Attempting to speak Italian to locals who don’t speak English
- Being surrounded by Italian fashion
- The beautiful canals of Navigli
- The cute puppies everywhere
- Meeting people from different countries
- Trying new foods in restaurants all over the city
- Navigating around the city easily and fast
- Seeing the transformation of Milan preparing for the Expo

Night out during Design week

Beautiful day on Navigli during Design Week
Of course there are many more memories and things that I love about Milan, but one thing I can thank this city for is for giving me lifelong friendships and experiences that I will have forever. This city gave me an opportunity to grow and see the world outside of what I know. Milan forever holds a place in my heart.

Photoshoots for our projects in Styling class

Learning to cook
Elena was selected as an SAI scholarship recipient and blogger for the Spring 2015 term. She is a current student at University of Missouri studying at Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) in Milan, Italy during the Sprig 2015 term.
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