My Barcelona Experience
Mi'Kale, Fall 2023, Barcelona Alum
September 26, 2024

Me and Remington in Sitges

Hello, my name is Mi’Kale and I’m a second-semester Junior majoring in Spanish with a Minor in Financial Planning. Last year in February of 2023, I walked into my college’s community Organization Fair and stopped by the SAI table. I was told about all the programs SAI offered, their scholarships, the plethora of activities that they do abroad, and how you could further your experience with them. After I left, I looked into the diversity in Barcelona, and if it was LGBT+ friendly, and from the facts, it was perfect for me, but at the time, I wanted to wait till further in my education to consider studying abroad, I spent the rest of that month thinking it through and in March I went ahead and applied to study abroad for my Fall 2023 semester at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and was accepted. From that point, I raised some funds to cover the initial costs, while I worked and submitted all of my paperwork before summer started. Fast-forward to August, I had started to get anxious as I prepared to leave. I had attended the SAI Zoom calls and bought plenty of accessories, but I felt like I was going to forget something.

Me at the Trevi Fountain

When I finally got to Barcelona, it felt unreal. I couldn’t believe that I had made it that far. I was a bundle of emotions, but mostly happy because I was ready for new experiences coming from a small town. My first few weeks were smooth even with my classes. I stayed in a nice apartment that was a street away from La Sagrada Familia, I learned the locations of my go-to stores, attended the VIVA experiences to learn more about the city and even got comfortable with my Spanish skills to converse with the local shop owners. My roommates, Mikah, Ryan, and Eddie were all cool, and funny, and made me feel safe. The more I immersed myself, the more I started to do things independently. I took hour trips to Sitges, made friends locally and at the Sant Pau campus of UAB, took a trip to Italy, and even joined some WhatsApp groups so I could be introduced to nightlife, some of us enjoyed each other’s company so much that we started to hang out casually. My favorites were Ioana from Romania, Bernardo from Portugal, and Ismaël from France.

Me with my SAI Friends During the Empuries Visit

I loved my classes which were Spanish Language, Spanish Civilization and Culture, and Spanish Contemporary Art. Each class encouraged us to get out in the city to explore, see, and try new things. I became close with my classmates, and sometimes after classes, we would all go and get coffee together and just hang out.

Once things started to slow down, the other SAI students and I were told about the volunteer programs where you go to a school or spend time with a family. I chose the family option because it was more intimate. I got assigned to the Vituri family, so there was Martí, Marta, Bernat, and Adria. When I went to their home for the first time, I was extremely nervous. I thought what if they didn’t like me because I’m Gay or Black, but as I started to open up with them, I realized my fears were unwarranted. We talked about their lives when they were kids, their jobs, the kids told me their hobbies, and they even plugged up their Wii so me and Adria could play Just Dance, which I flawlessly ate him up on. On my second visit, I remember Adria ran to hug me and Bernat wanted me to see his Fortnite skins. When I told them I played, they screamed in excitement because I could play with them. We watched movies, played games, cooked and baked together, and had dinner where we shared things about our culture. The funniest thing I had to explain to them was what biscuits and gravy are.

The only time I had problems while being there was the death of my great-aunt and great-uncle. I had just seen them before I left, so why did this happen while I was gone? I wanted to be with my family, to be able to console my grandfather, be there for my cousins, and check on my brother and sister. It brought me back to some of the reality of what was going on at home. My emotions were all over. I knew I couldn’t go back home suddenly, but felt conviction for still enjoying my time abroad. I didn’t come to terms with everything until my grandfather called me and he said “Some things in life you can’t step out of, and even though you want to be there for us; we want you to experience life”. I had to deal with my feelings by myself and find stability while being away. From then, I realized at least I had my memories and family to keep me going. My aunt and uncle were ecstatic that I had this chance to see a whole different world, so I had to experience it to the fullest. I am thankful for Elena and the other SAI contacts that I had during this time because they always checked on me, and let me know that if I needed anything I could always call them.

My Favorite Sculpture in Palau De La Generalitat

My last month in Barcelona was bittersweet. I didn’t want to leave, I didn’t want to not be able to see my roommates and new friends regularly, but I was successful in everything that I applied myself to. I was going to miss Patatas bravas, the weird smell in the Metro, and every day always being spontaneous. However, I was satisfied because I had experienced so much. I was and am grateful that I had the chance because it taught me how to adapt to change, apply myself, try new things, and navigate difficult times. I am thankful for the friends and memories that I made there. I grew confidence in myself to explore my style and fashion. I learned how to make different cuisines. I got into new music genres. Thinking about all the good and the bad makes me smile right now because I DID IT.

Me, Adría, and Bernat

Now I’m completing my bachelor’s and intend on being an English teacher in Barcelona or a flight attendant. I still keep in contact with my old roommates and SAI friends. Some of us have grown so close and live so close that we even make trips to see each other so we can reminisce and make memories back in the US. I still text my European friends because traveling is now a hobby of mine, so of course I must go and see them. I miss every bit of Barcelona, sometimes songs play and all I do is smile and thank the cosmos for the experience. With my major, I can see myself working in a diverse setting, and with the knowledge I gained from studying abroad, I know I can handle whatever comes my way. I would also like to thank the SAI team for making it possible and being there every step of the way. I never thought I would have accomplished this journey by the end of my Sophomore year, but I did. So, the only thing I want any reader to take from this blog is no matter what, don’t be afraid to take big steps. You might be surprised by what happens.

Written by: Mi’Kale, Fall 2023 Barcelona student from Young Harris College

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