During the planning of my study abroad journey, I knew I wanted to participate in volunteer activities. After arriving in Rome, I took initiative and started inquiring about SAI’s International Service Certificate and the Global Leadership Certificate. I attended the first meeting, and ultimately decided then and there that I wanted to participate in the Global Leadership program. It included a little bit more work, but I was confident in my time-management abilities. And, man, am I so glad I was able to experience this wonderful opportunity. For community service, I volunteered with two John Cabot University student-led programs that fit into my schedule: English Conversations at Casa delle Donne and Vo.Re.CO dinner packaging.

A selfie of the student volunteers after finishing packaging dinner at Vo.Re.CO.
I am so glad I decided to start volunteering at Casa delle Donne – I met amazing volunteers and individuals with a yearning to learn English. As I continued to go back, I started to learn more and more about our determined and loyal Italians in attendance. Johnny, Maria, and Anthony (pseudonyms), were some of the people there every week – and not just on Wednesdays, but also on Tuesdays with the other site leader. Johnny was the know-it-all of the group, very eager and willing to help others, or if he needed to check a meaning, he always spoke up. Maria was quieter than Johnny, but very dedicated to understanding and comprehending the text. Lastly, Anthony was a dedicated member who liked to express his opinions after we finished the text. He always seemed to answer and give a personable answer. There were many others, but these three hold a place in my heart – and I am not entirely sure why. It was such a joyous time, getting to know the other volunteers and talking about common interests and events happening in the world with our small group. I will miss volunteering at Casa delle Donne.

Another picture of student and community members at Casa delle Donne after a “lesson”.
The other program I participated in was Vo.Re.CO, where we prepared dinner for those in need. The first time I showed up, I was kind of rocked (or culture shocked). The other four volunteers all spoke fluent Italian and English, with the organizers/”workers” only knowing Italian. I felt like an outsider – and I ultimately was; all of the student volunteers had done this before or had a friend there they would only talk to in Italian. Even though the first volunteering experience here was rough, I decided to continue to attend about every other week. And I am glad I did. I ended up volunteering with a girl who was in one of my other classes, and I was able to get to know her more and had help translating. There was also a different site leader there the remaining times I volunteered, and she was very understanding, encouraging, and relatable.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time volunteering with John Cabot University’s student-led community service activities. I have built on personal skills that include patience, adaptability, communication, and confidence. With my busy schedule, I was still able to put in sixteen and a half volunteering hours, as well as complete the global leadership certification requirements. I enjoyed writing my weekly journal reflections, as well as researching domestic violence for the required thesis paper. It gave me something to do in my free time, as well as helping the Italian community in the process!
Written by: Alyssa, Fall 2024 JCU student from TN Tech University
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