The street where I live, away from the loud life of il centro
I have officially begun my study abroad here in Florence! As soon as I touched down at the airport in Florence, it was obvious life was going to a bit different for 6 weeks. I have been to this city before in years past, but this time I’m here to live as a temporary citizen and experience a side I have never seen before. My arrival went smoothly, flying Air Dolomiti was a great experience in itself with Italian Hospitality. The plane was delayed quite a bit, but life goes on. After riding a crazy high speed taxi ride, I arrived at my host family’s apartment on a side of Florence where most of the nightlife is away.

The nearby church Sette Santi
My host family is amazing! This is an opportunity that a lot of students don’t get to experience, living with an authentic Italian family. They are very welcoming and warm. Maria (my host mother) prepares me breakfast and dinner every weekday. I knew this coming here, but Italian breakfast is nowhere close to the amount of food we eat for breakfast back in the states. I get to partake in Italian conversations at the dinner table as well! My house is located near the soccer stadium for Fiorentina and it was a memorable moment being awaken from my nap to the sounds of chants coming from the fans, as Fiorentina played their last game of the season.

Fortezza da Basso
Orientation was really swell! I enjoyed getting acclimated to the school and my fellow classmates. I can tell that I will have a really good time here already. At first Florence was tricky with getting around, but after some days of walking and walking, you get used to everything and know your way. I’m positive Florence and the rest of the boot has plenty to offer for me in the coming weeks!

The Church of Santa Croce

Arno River
Alston is a student at Virginia Tech studying at Florence University of the Arts in Italy during the Summer 2014 term.
5 responses to “Arrival”
Caro Tonino: Amo il tuo blog. Grazie per avermelo spedito. Anche noi abbiamo volato per Aerea Dolomiti una volta da Francoforte a Verona. Era incredibile! Le assistenti di volo hanno cambiato costume due o tre volte durante il volo. Anche abbiamo bevuto prosecco prima di una colazione deliciosa Il volo stesso e` stato molto interessante–volando in un piccolo aereo per le Alpi coperte di neve. Le sedili erano comodissime di un cuoio morbidissimo e c’ era uno spazio incredibile per ogni passeggero. E quando l’ hostess ci ha dato le istruzioni di sicurezza lei ha fatto una certa danza lungo il corridoio in una voce incantevole. Indimenticabile! Sono contenta che hai visitato la Costa Amalfitana e specialmente Positano e Pompei. Sto studiando la storia di Roma e Pompei al computer quest’ estate. E` una classe di Yale chiamata “L’ architettura romana.” Cominicia con gli Etruschi e poi Romolo e Remo, ecc. Ma adesso siamo alla spiaggia a Duck per due settimane. Il tempo fa bellissimo. Aspetto il tuo secondo blog. Buon divertimento! JS
Wow, Alston! You are getting a real leg up in life by getting to visit this wonderful country! So proud of you for having the guts to travel somewhere abroad by yourself. Not many people would dare to do that in and of itself. I hope that you learn much while you’re away. Have fun!
SO absolutely proud of you for the young man you’ve become…Take it all in and never forget your experiences. Travel is something that not many people get to enjoy. Take lots of great pics! Love ya.
Safe travels my son as you explore Croatia now this weekend. What a wonderful experience for you go around Italy then you got to visit Amsterdam and now Croatia! I know you will be coming home soon and probably have mixed feelings about leaving Europe but what a wonderful lifetime of memories you have made and so many friends from all over! Love you!!
As your Study Abroad trip is nearing an end I want to again tell you how proud I am that you did this on your own and know what a lifetime of memories you made ! All the friends and contacts you developed while living in Italy will be wonderful to have for the future and know we are looking forward to you coming back to us soon to share all your stories!
Be safe and love you Alston!!