The entrance to Palazzo Vecchio, which shows where Michelangelo’s David was originally located
14 days . . . that is how many days I have left in this beautiful city. It amazes me how quickly time passes. I can still remember my first few hours in Florence and being totally taken aback by how beautiful it was. I still remember the taxi ride to the apartment and thanking God that we arrived in one piece after such a crazy ride. I remember my first couple of weeks in Florence and having such a hard time navigating my way around. Now I feel that I have a grasp on daily living in Florence; and I don’t need to have a map glued to the front of my eyes to figure out where I am going. I have even helped people with directions on the street. I think the best part of being asked directions is that they assume that you are Italian, which makes me feel like I have successfully blended in.

Photo from the Florence Tattoo Convention
While I am so exciting to go home and be with my friends and family and share with them stories from my experience in Florence, I am really going to miss this city. I am going to miss the café down the street that has my order memorized. I mean how cool is it to have a café know your order! You cannot get service like that at Starbucks (no offense to Starbucks especially since I am really craving a Pumpkin Spice latte).

Photo of Brunelleschi’s Dome buttress supports
I am going to miss all the stationary and book stores. I am going to miss all the open markets that are open almost every day, back home markets are usually just one day a week. I am going to miss the Italians that I have met and made a connection with. I am going to miss the wine bars, not that I am a lush but it is so relaxing to go to a wine bar and talk with your friends about the day. I am definitely going to miss all the amazing collections of art throughout the city.

View from the top of the Dome
Right now Florence is decorating the city with Christmas lights and other holiday decorations and it is so pretty. I am pretty bummed out that I won’t be here for Christmas but I think my family would have a stroke if I missed Christmas at home. What I am not going to miss are the mosquitoes in November. I do not understand how they are still around; does the cold not bother them here? Also, not going to miss the line drying of clothes, I need a dryer!

Sculpture in Florence
My family has been asking me what I was going to do as soon as I got home and I actually have a running list of all the things I cannot wait to do when I get home. As soon as we leave the airport I am requesting to go get a true American breakfast. Yes, there are places in Florence to get an American style breakfast but it is just not the same. Then I am going to get a pedicure because all the walking has destroyed my feet. Then I desperately need a haircut. I want to go to Starbucks and get a Pumpkin Spice latte. So much more I want to do but I digress.

View of Duomo from the Tower
The city of Florence has been my home for roughly 3 months and it is going to be hard to say goodbye but I know I will be back sometime in the future with my family and friends so I can show them all the cool places I have been to in person. I will never forget my time in Florence and will keep all the memories I made here close to my heart.

View from the top of the Dome down to the street and Tower
Alyssa is a student at Saint Xavier University studying at Florence University of the Arts during the Fall 2013 term.