The Food, the Wine, & the People
Christina, Florence, Spring 2014
May 1, 2014


As my time here is beginning to wrap up, I feel so bittersweet about leaving this beautiful city. It has been such a wonderful experience and opportunity to get to know the Italian culture. From the food, the wine, and the people, Italy has taught me about its roots and taught me more about myself as well. I will leave Italy with a large sense of satisfaction. With the short time I was given, I feel very acquainted with Florence. People have said that Florence is too small to study abroad in, but I think that is what made it so awesome. It is large enough to show you something different every day, but small enough to know by the end of your time studying abroad.


Florence has taught me art history, which was something I was not extremely familiar with before. The massive amount of art on every street has continued to amaze me daily. I have been able to witness monumental works of history and walk through cathedrals built hundreds of years ago. Heck, I am able to walk past Il Duomo every day! Florence has showed me how to savor and appreciate food and the culture that is attached with it. Bread has such a deeper connotation connected to it, rather than just nutritional purpose. Pizza is best with only a few toppings and the freshest cheese. Wine is less expensive than water… need I say more? Italians eat sweet pastries with a caffé every morning for breakfast (a tradition that should come to the States!). I have been so happily overwhelmed with the food society here. For Italians, food brings together more than just family but also helps build great relationships with store owners and those you dine with.


The Italian people have taught me much over the past four months. The culture is so different here, as compared to back home. You learn to take life easy. They helped me reflect on my life back at home, since many of the Italians I have met have never been to the States. I served as a link between them and back home. They are so interested in American things that I pay no mind to, such as the food we eat and the big cars we drive. My new friends have helped me appreciate my life more when I come back home.

I can’t wait to see how this experience will positively impact my life upon my return. I have big plans to put all the things I’ve learned to use. The pastry classes I was able to take at APICIUS have taught me Italian traditions and techniques to making sweet confections. I can’t wait to try all the methods back at home. My view point on my life has positively altered after living here for a few months. I know new habits will begin to show the first few days of being at home, such as not using my microwave. Things that I longed for back in the beginning of the semester have now changed; living in a foreign country helped me reevaluate life’s necessities.


Although I have been here for four months, I feel like I’ve only uncovered the tip of the iceberg. I have plans to return to this beautiful city in the future. Florence will stay with me forever. It has introduced me to wonderful people that I will be life-long friends with, memories that I can cherish for a lifetime, and a new found love for Italian culture.
Christina is a student at University of Houston studying at Florence University of the Arts during the Spring 2014 term.

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