A beautiful reflection of the Church of San Rocco in Venice
You learn a lot about yourself when traveling. The experience makes one more self sufficient, highlighting and condensing your requirements for survival. To be gender specific, I feel women have a slightly trickier time at this. There is nothing wrong with abandoning makeup or hair products, and let’s not go so far as to say they are requirements for survival. However, we do live in a world where these aesthetics for women are more than just encouraged. Personally I like my products. Though traveling is a part of my life style, I would not say that I have always been the best at it. I am cursed with being an over packer, and with a 5’3” frame, excess luggage weight equals absolute debilitation. Previously, beauty products contributed to my excess weight. My enrollment with FUA/SAI has presented many traveling opportunities, and the continual exposure to the practice has encouraged me to not only become more adaptable, but also more simple. My personal streamlining, no doubt, is also accredited to my development as an individual. This has been brought forward greatly because of traveling and simply becoming more comfortable with myself.
I believe that our personal items convey volumes about who we are as individuals. Below is my (general) travel survival list (take note that the items listed may or may not be relevant to all locations of travel).
- laptop / pad – Though I would prefer to take my laptop, on day trips I take my iPad, it’s more practical. Most iPhones and iPads do not have the strength necessary to run off just a simple outlet adapter so an electrical converter is also needed, whereas, the Mac laptop has the ability to withstand various voltages in many countries with only an outlet adapter. I use my iPad for navigation, Internet access, facetime/skype…and the fact that it’s easily portable. I am a little apprehensive about my iPhone getting stolen, so I tend not to use it.
- electrical converter – If you travel with any electrical devices, and aren’t willing to repurchase them again, an electrical converter is necessary. I travel enough now that I have purchased electronics for various voltages/outlets/countries.
- travel size curling iron – I usually let my hair dry naturally, but I like to be able to edit my curls.
- non-scented baby wipes – Great sanitizer for everything, from surfaces to yourself, and it’s a non-liquid when flying!
- baby powder – Helps cope with excess sweat, as well as an oily scalp. I usually travel with dry shampoo so I can clean up my hair between washes, but baby powder works well too, and isn’t in an aerosol can (travel friendly).
- yoga mat – Yes, I honestly take my yoga mat most places. I never know when the urge will strike, and it’s an easy practice to execute anywhere.
- yoga pants – I always have multiple pairs of yoga pants. The best are moisture wicking on top of being comfortable. Not to mention, they’re smaller than a pair of jeans.
- head lamp – From seashell hunting at night, finding your way home, or reading a book, it’s perfect!
- swiss army knife – Always comes in handy. However, do not pack this in your carry-on.
- lock and chain – Though these items on mine do not get used every adventure, it’s reassuring to know they’re there when I need them.
In December journeyed to Venice and Rome (Roma). The photos that follow are of my travels.

a main drag in Rome. Italians are always very fashionable completing their surrounding.

the tree lighting at the Vatican

A bar where my traveling partner snagged an inexpensive and delicious lunch in Venice

A shop on the Rialto Bridge in Venice

the beautiful buildings that making up the labyrinth the is Venice.

the beautiful buildings that making up the labyrinth the is Venice.
Kelly is a student at Carrol University studying at Florence University of the Arts during the Fall 2013 term.