A couple weeks ago the students of SAI Barcelona, including myself, traveled to a beautiful city in Spain known as Sevilla. We were all excited to experience a different kind of Spanish culture and see what we could learn from it. The weekend´s itinerary was packed wtih activities, sights, and meals that we could not wait for!

The bike tour around Sevilla

Gardens in the Alcazar
On the first day, we arrived in Sevilla in the morning with much planned for us. We ate lunch at a restaurant by the name of Spala to enjoy a menú del día. This was an interesting start of the trip for me. In Spain, paella with seafood is a common dish that many restaurant offer. Unfortunately, I have come to learn that I have an allergy to seafood but I like to treat myself every once in awhile to some shrimp. I decided that at this meal at Spala I was going to treat myself to some paella mixta. But of course after finishing the entire plate, I began to experience an allergic reaction that irritated my lips and eyes. But let me tell you, the seafood paella was well worth the allergic reaction.

View of Sevilla from the clock tower in the Cathedral
Later in the day, we went on a beautiful bike tour of Sevilla! We rode past the famous Seville Cathedral, Plaza de Espanya, through Parque de María Luisa and much more. It was a bit difficult maneuvering a bike through the narrow streets filled with people but we managed to survive with only one minor injury of crashing into a railing. The bike tour was a great time and a fun way to learn about the city! For dinner we went to La Huerta 9, which ended up being my favorite of the trip! After that long bike tour, we devoured endless tapas. It was interesting to see how the tapas from Sevilla differed from the tapas in Barcelona. To end the night, we all attended a flamenco show at a casual bar in the area. It was crazy how everyone would be talking and yelling one minute and then silent the next when the performance started.

Seville Cathedral
Saturday´s activities came with rain but that didn´t stop us from having a wonderful time. We took a tour of the Seville Cathedral which included walking all the way up the clock tower! We got to see an amazing view of the entire city from way up high! After the clock tower, we saw the inside of the cathedral which held the tomb of Christopher Columbus. From there, we went to the Alcàzar of Seville. The interior architecture was stunning with a breathtaking garden! This was my personal favorite site of Sevilla.

SAI Barcelona at Plaza de Espanya!
Overall, the trip with SAI to Sevilla was amazing! The activities planned were just what I wanted to do and it was fun to experience a different part of Spain with my fellow SAI members and coordinator!
Jamie is a current student at University of Dayton studying at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in Spain during the Fall 2015 term.
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