We want to give you the opportunity to share all the amazing videos you took or are taking while abroad by holding a video contest! You will be eligible to win a $100 airline gift card just by sharing your video(s) with the SAI community. Please read all the information below carefully. Contest opens Wednesday, May 29th, 2024!!

Deadline is Friday, August 23rd, 2024 at 11:59pm Pacific Time
Contest is open to current SAI students and Alumni! (Summer 2024 or prior).
Videos must be under 3 minutes long to be considered and should follow the format of a TikTok or Instagram Reel. Feel free to submit as many videos as you’d like!
The topic is entirely up to you — get creative with this! If you need some inspiration, you can see here, here, here, or here.
- All entries are due by Friday, August 23rd 2024 at 11:59:59pm Pacific Time
The winner will be announced on September 2nd and will win a $100 airline gift card.
How to Submit:
Upload your video to Google Drive/Dropbox and email us a link and corresponding caption to socialmedia@saiprograms.com
If you create your video in TikTok and save it, please use this website to remove the watermark prior to submitting it. If you create your video in Instagram and save it, please use this website to remove the watermark prior to submitting it.
Make sure to include your Instagram and TikTok handles, if applicable (so we can tag you when we post), and a short caption describing your video!
Follow us on Instagram and Tiktok, @saiprograms, for bonus entries!
Eligibility. This SAI video contest is open to any SAI student enrolled in a program in or before Summer 2023. SAI will verify the eligibility of each entrant. Video must be under 3 minutes long to be considered.
How to Enter. Participants should email their video to socialmedia@saiprograms.com before Friday, August 23rd, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Valid submissions must include the participant’s full name, Instagram handle (if applicable), and a short description of the video. SAI reserves the right to dispose of any video that it feels is inappropriate.
Winner Selection. The SAI Social Media Team will hold a meeting where they will vote on eligible entries. The contest winner will be notified on September 2nd, 2024.
Prize. The prize is a $100 airline gift card delivered via email. Prize is not transferable.
Additional Limitations. SAI reserves the right to terminate, suspend or amend the contest. By participating (submitting via email), each entrant releases the submitted photos and/or videos and agrees that they may be used for promotional purposes. The contest winner will be posted on the SAI website and social media! Contact information will not be made public. Entrants are not required to have an Instagram/TikTok account, but can share their video submission to their personal accounts for bonus points!
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