Europe is recognized for promoting sustainable development at a global level; indeed Europeans benefit from some of the highest environmental standards in the world. Studying abroad with SAI in Europe will offer you the opportunity to develop a strong understanding of environmental sustainability. Not only do we offer an array of courses that focus on these exciting topics, but you will also be able to delve into environmental sustainability through volunteering, internships, and even earn a Global Leadership Certificate.

Students can study biodiversity on the Amalfi Coast (photo by Kelsie Brown, SAI Sorrento student)
Following are some notable sustainability and environment courses that are offered at our various locations.
Milan, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Studying sustainability and the environment in Milan offers a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge urban sustainability practices, global environmental initiatives, and innovative industries like fashion and design, all within a dynamic, eco-conscious city.
- Green Management & Sustainability
- What Makes Us Global? Cultural Interconnectedness Effective Management
- Business, Government, and the Global Economy
- The Fashion Market: Structure, Players, and Success Factors
- “Luxury for Sustainability”: How Values Meet & Cross in Business Communication
- Luxury Business Insights
- The Italian Foods of the Future
- Social and Eco Entrepreneurship
- Geopolitics and Technological Changes: The Future Today
- Business Ethics
- Geopolitics and Technological Changes: The Future Today
- Cultural Anthropology
- Social Design
- Textile Design
Rome, John Cabot University
As Italy’s capital city, and a stunning cross-section of ancient and modern, Rome offers a powerful place to study the environment – right where many important decisions are being made.
- Business Ethics
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Legal Environment of Business
- Media and the Environment
- Food and Agriculture
- Science and Urban Ecology
- Freedom, Equality, and Democracy
- Living the Good Life: Religious and Philosophical Ethics
- International Environmental Politics
- Introduction to Global Health: Health Equity and Social Justice Across the Globe
- Globalization and Crime
Florence, Florence University of the Arts
Delve into sustainable food systems in the heart of Tuscany, where culinary traditions are intimately connected with local farming and production.
- Architecture Studio III: Urban and Landscape Design and Architecture
- Cooking Light: Contemporary Techniques for Healthy Living
- Design by Nature I – Sustainable Architecture and Design
- Dietetics and Nutrition in the Mediterranean
- Ethics and Justice in Food Systems
- Ethics of Globalization
- Food, Culture, and Community
- Food, Health, and Wellness in Italy (seasonal food, respect, culture)
- Gardens of Culture: Climate, Cities, and Wellness
- Gentrification: Urban and Social Inequality
- Green Florence Walks
- Grow, Cook, Heal: Therapy for Wellbeing
- Health and Fitness in the Mediterranean
- Interior Design Materials and Furnishing
- Introduction to Nutrition (health, food policies, and education)
- Introduction to Product Design
- Italian Product Knowledge
- Leonardo Da Vinci: Art, Botany, Alchemy, and Recipes
- Lifetime Nutrition, Wellness, and Physical Activity (Mediterranean Approach)
- Nutritional Cooking (seasonal products)
- Special Project: Experiential Learning in Community Garden Management
- The Italian Food Industry: from Farm to Table
- Urban Space and Art Walks
Paris, American University of Paris
As the host of COP21 in 2015, and the site in which the world agreed to the Paris Agreement, Paris has become an important place for climate research and entrepreneurship.
- Environmental Science
- Legal Environment of Business
- International Law
- Energy and the Environment
- Environmental Anthropology
- The EU and Its Discontents: Business, Environment, and Rights
- Topics: Geopolitics of the Circumpolar Environments
- Art and Ecocritism
- The Anthropology of Food
- Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
- Global Justice
- International Human Rights Law
Paris, Paris College of the Arts
- Paris, Yesterday and Tomorrow
- Crossings: Intro to Geopolitics
Sorrento, Sant’Anna Institute
Situated on the Amalfi Coast, marine life, and its conservation, is intertwined with daily life in Sorrento. Students have ample opportunities for hands-on experience with marine sustainability, through coursework, internships, and volunteering.
- Sustainability
- Introduction to Marine Biology (with Lab)
- Marine Conservation
- Introduction to Volcanology
- Competing in the Global Environment
- Global Business: Italy & Tourism
- Human Rights
- Product Management: Food Marketing
- Human Nutrition
- History and Culture of Italian Food
- Food Marketing
Siena, SIS Intercultural Study Abroad
SAI students in Siena experience an immersion into Italian life and culture, and come to understand the Italian perspective on issues such as the environment in a way that is authentic and lasting.
- A Green Renaissance: Sustainable Development in Siena and Tuscany
- Flora and Fauna of Italy
Siena, SIS Intercultural Study Abroad
SAI students in Siena experience an immersion into Italian life and culture, and come to understand the Italian perspective on issues such as the environment in a way that is authentic and lasting.
- A Green Renaissance: Sustainable Development in Siena and Tuscany
- Flora and Fauna of Italy
- Pythotherapy: a Hands-On Introduction to Herbal Medicine
- Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
- Ethnobotany and Phytotherapy
- Prehistoric Ecology and Global Warming: The Past, Present, and Future of Earth
- Fundamentals of Geology
- Farm to Table Tuscany: Examining the Environmental, Economic, and Nutritional Effects of Local/KM Zero Products
- Food as Medicine: The Healthy Tuscan Diet Explained Through Tradition & Science
- History of Italian Cuisine
- Flavors and Tastes: An Italian Chemical World
- Chemistry in the Kitchen
- History of Italy through Cuisine
- International Business
- Spatial and Settlement Archaeology
- Human Evolution
Sicily, MADE School of Arts & Sciences
Students in Sicily have the opportunity to explore distinct environmental challenges and solutions concerning climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture, all set within a region renowned for its diverse ecosystems, abundant natural resources, and dedication to preserving cultural heritage.
- Mediterranean Anthropology: Environment, Population, Art and Tradition
- Volcanology
Barcelona, CETT Tourism, Hospitality, & Gastronomy
Studying in Barcelona allows students to engage with innovative solutions to climate change, urban sustainability, and renewable energy, while experiencing a city known for its green initiatives, vibrant culture, and commitment to eco-friendly urban planning.
- Tourist Science
- Quality, Safety, and Environment in Hospitality
- Smart Tourism
- Economics in Tourism
- The History of Cooking and Gastronomy
- Traditional Cuisine: from Local to Global
- Tourism and Gender
Barcelona, Elisava School of Design
- Furniture and Product Design
- Food Design
- Design Contexts: Culture, History, Art, and Architecture
- Advanced Principles in Design
Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Doing Business in Emerging Markets
- Urban Interventions, Graffiti, & Public Sculpture
- Inequity, Poverty and Globalization
- An Urban Approach to Spain and Europe
Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Globalization, Human Development, & Sustainability: Politics & Policies
- Ethics in a Globalization & Sustainability Context
- Collective Intelligent Solutions to the New Global Challenges
- Circular Economy
- The Collectivity Revolution: Building a Global Community
- The Impact Journey: (Un)Sustainability, Climate Emergency, Authentic Leadership
- Emergencia climatica, ecologismo, y transicion energetica
- FIve Challenges for the Future of Sport Global Governance

SAI Rome students exploring the countryside
Internships in Environment & Sustainability
If you’re looking for professional experience in the fields of sustainability and the environment, among our various internship options, the following may be of particular interest:
- Sorrento, Italy (Sant’Anna Institute): internships in marine preservation, nutrition and community health, food waste, and geology.
Volunteering in Environment & Sustainability
Service learning and volunteering helps to deepen and broaden any study abroad experience. All SAI programs offer service opportunities in various areas, each aligned to the specific region and program focus. Service opportunities include community nutrition, environmental protection, and land clean-up. Please contact SAI Admissions to learn more about each location’s service options.
Global Leadership Certificate
SAI offers the Global Leadership Certificate (GLC) in select locations, as an added credential from a semester of study abroad. Students in this SAI Certificate Program broaden their awareness of global issues and deepen their knowledge of the local host community’s role in an increasingly interconnected world through exploration of research, engagement in community services and interaction with experts and leaders.

SAI students visit a sustainable farm in Umbria
Have questions about which program is the best fit for you? Reach out to an Admissions Counselor at 800-655-8965,, or find us on LiveChat.
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