Taking Engineering Classes in Rome!
Jackson, Summer 2024, Rome
June 24, 2024

When you think about a study abroad, usually it is taking classes that can finish your electives. But, as an engineering major, I chose to take Fluid Mechanics, which ended up being a very difficult class to take. Although I needed to take the class to still graduate on time, taking any math or STEM class will be difficult, I won’t sugarcoat it. But, if you’re up for the challenge, I’d say go for it, because it was worth it and gave me amazing friends.  

Taking any STEM course while in a 5 week study abroad program will always be difficult, but just like any summer class, the coursework will be a little different and easier than back at your home university. For me, I was able to enjoy Rome, enjoy Italy, and still have fun with my friends from that Fluids class. It was an absolute staple in my life here in Rome and provided many experiences that I would have never had. For example, my professor used to work for an F1 team and analyzed air flow around the car, which led to some very good real life examples of the concepts that he taught. It also provided me with friends who I could hang out with after class or at night.

There are many engineering opportunities in Europe as well, mainly F1 for Italians, but if you search through Germany, many occupations pop out to you. Being able to study engineering in Europe allowed me to experience a different culture and environment around engineering and allowed me to search for opportunities abroad.

If you’re worried that a STEM class would take up all of your time in a foreign country, don’t be. It requires balance, which I’m sure you all have. You should still be able to explore every weekend, go out at night and explore your city’s nightlife, all while maintaining a good grade in the class. I was able to, so I’m sure any other engineering student can as well. Please do consider it if you want to get ahead of your program, it has been a blast and I have learned so much!

Written by: Jackson, Summer 2024 Rome student, from Rochester Institute of Technology

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