It wasn’t until Thanksgiving was a week away that I realized I probably wasn’t going to enjoy the usual Thanksgiving dinner. A lot of my classmates were taking advantage of the long weekend to travel, however, I was staying in town.
So, instead of waiting around and watching my mom make the turkey and mashed potatoes I had to actually look up some recipes and make some type of big dinner. Celebrating a holiday abroad, in my opinion, is only a test to our Pinterest recipe copying abilities and of course our desire to gather. To gather with those we care about and replicate the traditions we have all grown up with. Although our dinner did not consist of the common Thanksgiving dishes, my friends and I were able to make tacos, mashed potatoes, and Brussel sprouts.

Downtown Warsaw

As much as I hate to admit it, I even missed the commotion and chaos of Black Friday. As my time in Rome is coming to an end, having a dinner solely dedicated to being thankful made sense. Per usual, I have included pictures of the locations I have visited this past month.

Vatican Museums


Gianicolo Hill
Jazmine is a current student at Saint Mary’s College of California studying at John Cabot University in Italy during the Fall 2016 term.
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