Leaning Tower, Pisa Italy
You never realize how much you have changed until you put yourself in an experience you’re not familiar with. Whether you believe if people change or not, we all have experiences that shape us into who we really are, or who we are becoming, and thankfully, who I’m becoming is someone who has more resilience. I’m thankful that I am able to see how much I have grown and changed just in one semester. Living somewhere where you are forced to learn how to communicate with a different language, different cultural activities, holidays, foods, transportation, etc., breaks down that subconscious shield we all have of knowing how everything works, and enables you to adapt as you learn how to live in a new culture.

Science Arboretum, Florence Italy
I know that I am completely comfortable back home-I know how everything works, the hours of operation for the stores that I need certain items from, the quickest ways to get somewhere, my favorite restaurants- I am more than lucky to have this opportunity to learn on my own how to live somewhere that I don’t know anything about. These opportunities are the things in life worth experiencing. And whether you are scared of being here without your friends and family, or the cost, I can assure you that you can’t put a price tag on this experience to shape your growth, as well as your future resume and references. As for friends and family, you will get a little homesick, it’s all part of adapting, but I have made more real friendships here than back home. Studying abroad has enabled me to learn to adapt to situations and learn who I am.

My favorite Gelato – La Carraria, Florence Italy
I usually stick to what I know and I am surprised to see how many new things I am willing to try since I had no clue what a lot of the foods and dessert, especially, were. I’m also surprised at how easy it is to travel all over Europe here and how affordable it is! This was my favorite part of the entire semester-traveling around Europe! I only regret that I wasn’t able to travel more due to classes and my internship, but I plan to come back next summer and travel to every country in Europe that I missed :) This experience has allowed me to figure out the best ways to travel around Europe, what trains, flights, buses to take and good hostels to stay at. This is a great trial run for my backpacking around Europe plans next summer, and I will never be able to explain how amazing of an experience this was.

Best restaurant – Rubaconte, Florence Italy
I absolutely loved my internship teaching k-2nd English two days every week, but it made me miss my family so badly! I highly recommend applying for one of the many internships SAI offers like I did. You will benefit in so many ways by giving back to the community, as well as being able to add the professional experience on your resume.

Backyard of FUA building on Corsa Tintori, Florence Italy
My only tips are to try as many new things, travel EVERYWHERE and be open to something different. Have an open mind and try to speak the language as much as possible. Make sure to bring a t-shirt from your university and hang it in the Lions Fountain Bar (you’ll understand when you get there)! Don’t give off the ‘Typical Americans’ flare-be respectful of the culture and people where you’re visiting! I wish it didn’t have to end, but I will be back next summer for more.

Museo Galileo, Florence Italy
Europe has stolen my heart.

Food festival in Florence Italy
Andrea is a current student at Kansas State University studying at Florence University of the Arts (FUA) in Florence, Italy during the Sprig 2015 term.
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