Upcoming Alumni Panels
August 21, 2023

Ready to get started planning your study abroad experience?

Join us for our upcoming series of Intro to SAI info sessions to learn more about our programs. Explore academics, student support services, cultural activities, housing, and more. We also offer Alumni Panels that allow you to hear from, and ask question to, past students about a range of topics.

Join an alumni panel:

  • March 27 2pm PT: SAI Alumni Panel: how to budget for a term abroad + travel tips – register here
  • April 10 2pm PT: SAI Alumni Panel: Mastering Study Abroad: Key Tips for a Successful Term Abroad – register here
  • April 17 2pm PT: SAI Alumni Panel: Packing for a Term Abroad – register here

Have a specific question? Book a meeting directly with one of our Admissions Counselors.

If you are unable to attend one of the sessions, they will all be recorded. To receive a copy of the recording, please register for the session, or contact us. We look forward to chatting with you soon!

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